Development Finance

Our whole of marketing loans team can find you a competitively-priced development finance loan to suit your specific requirements.

What can I use development finance for?

It can be used for a variety of development projects. Whether you are an experienced developer or looking to build your first property this is a short term funding solution. This is also used by developers who want to buy at auction so they can develop and flip for a profit. This finance product is for new build residential projects, commercial developments or buying land to develop upon.

I’m halfway through a development and need more funds – is this the right product?

Absolutely. Our knowledgeable loans team will ascertain your development stage so they can recommend the best product. Not only are we financial experts, we know our way around the property industry too.

Do I receive the finance at the beginning of the build?

Generally not. It is paid in stages in line with the build / development. Our team will be happy to go through this in more detail with you.

What do I need to do to obtain the finance?

With all things financial there is a certain amount of form-filling to do because lenders are cautious. They need to be confident in your proposals and reason for borrowing the money. You’ll need to clearly communicate your development project plans, budgets and timescales. Also, it’s key to show that you have the experience to carry out the development. Or, that you have the know-how to manage other people if you are subbing out all or part of the build development. 

People involved can range from the architects, builders, tradesmen, site manager, designers, sales strategy and even perhaps marketing plans. This will all depend on the size of your project.

Focus on your build with confidence with Bradgate on your side. Contact us today for a free consultation.


Looking for another type of loan? As we are whole of market loan advisors we can find you the loan that is right for you with the most competitive interest rate.

Secured Loans

Unsecured Loans

Bridging Finance

Business Finance

Auction Finance

Our professional team very much look forward to assisting you with your loan requirements.

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