Adverse Credit Mortgage

Applying for an adverse credit mortgage needs handling by a mortgage specialist. If you get it wrong it could affect your chances of securing the property that you want to buy.

Not many lenders offer adverse credit mortgages. With over 10 years helping many satisfied clients, you can be sure you’re in good hands. Our experienced caring approach starts with a comprehensive assessment of your credit history. This then allows us to search the whole of the mortgage market to find the right product for your circumstances.

Applying for an Adverse Credit Mortgage after Bankruptcy, CCJs, Repossession and more

I’ve been bankrupt, can I still get a mortgage?

Yes you can. Even if you’ve been bankrupt before you can still secure a mortgage. The percentage that you can borrow will depend on how long ago you were discharged from bankruptcy though. The longer ago, the more the you can borrow. Contact us for details.

I defaulted on a previous mortgage and now have a CCJ, can I still get a mortgage?

Yes. You may have a CCJ through no fault of your own – possibly illness or redundancy means that you may have defaulted on a previous mortgage. There are mortgage products available to you. It will depend on your specific financial scenario though. We can take you through all the options.

We had our old house repossessed, can we apply for a new mortgage?

Again, the answer is yes. Lenders will be cautious but it is possible to successfully apply for a new mortgage. We can select from the whole of the market so, we are not just looking for a suitable mortgage, we are looking for the best deal. Get in touch today.

All adverse credit history will be assessed by one of our experienced mortgage advisors to give you the best chance of success.

Adverse credit mortgages are not available with the majority of lenders so a specialist, tailormade approach is required. We have secured mortgages for people in the following situations:

Bankruptcy | IVAs

Repossession | CCJs

Defaults or arrears

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At Bradgate FS we aim to make choosing and applying for a mortgageprotection, or insurance as stress-free as possible.